Mission & Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be 

  • to support high educational standards; 

  • to enhance relations among parents, teachers, administration, and the School Board; 

  • to promote extracurricular educational experiences/events for the students and teachers; 

  • to raise funds as needed for these purposes.

Our Contributions


Each year London PTO uses the money raised through our fundraising efforts to purchase items for the school that are outside the school’s budget. PTO gives London faculty the opportunity to submit “special requests”. Depending on the annual budget, PTO tries to fulfill as many requests as possible. Here are some of the things PTO has purchased for the school.

  • Chromebooks with Charging Carts

  • Two Portable Metal Detectors

  • Playground and Recess Equipment

  • SMART Boards

  • Sound System, Instruments, and Musical Equipment

  • Outdoor Benches

  • Faculty Ice Machine

  • Academic Achievement Banners

  • Classroom Rugs, Sensory Bins, Cubbies, Easels, Study Carrels

  • Theater Arts Equipment

  • Library Books

  • Poster Printer

  • Field Trips and Professional Development Seminars

  • Portable AC/Heating Units

  • TI-84 Calculators

  • John Deere Gator Utility Vehicle

President | Kristi Barrera

This is Kristi’s sixth year on the PTO Board, and fifth as President. She previously served as VP of Programs. Kristi’s primary responsibility will be presiding and maintaining order at all PTO executive board and general meetings. She will be part of planning and executing all of the PTO’s planned events.

PTO Executive Board 2024-2025

VP of Fundraising | Natalie Garcia

Natalie will be serving her third year on the PTO Board, and third year in charge of PTO fundraising. She will plan, coordinate, and manage London’s major yearly fundraisers, which includes Pirate Fest and Fun Run. Natalie will also coordinate all committees involved in these events.

VP of Programs | Stephanie Galloway

This is Stephanie’s second year on the board. Previously, Stephanie was an Elementary teacher at London. She will coordinate the Room Parents for the Elementary campus. With Stephanie’s guidance, Room Parents plan fun events for the class and provide appreciation gifts to the teachers. Her experience as a teacher brings valuable insight to her role on the board.

Treasurer | Jigna Liu

This is Jigna’s third year on the PTO Board. Previously, Jigna has served as Room Parent and assisted with PTO fundraisers. Jigna will be in charge of PTO’s finances. She creates and maintains the PTO budget and financial statements. Jigna also manages deposits and reimbursements of all staff members, and advises on financial feasibility of special events, projects, and purchases.

Communications Director | Sara Fuhrken

Sara will be serving her third year on the PTO Board. Previously, she assisted PTO for years in designing marketing materials for Pirate Fest. As Communications Director, her primary responsibility is to maintain the website and social media accounts. She also designs all PTO graphics, materials, and newsletters, ensuring effective communication with London families and staff.

Secretary | Aislinn Noltie

This will be Aislinn’s first year serving on the PTO Board. Previously, Aislinn served as Room Parent and has also helped with Pirate Fest. As Secretary, Aislinn’s primary responsibility is to record and post the minutes and votes of all PTO meetings. She will also be in charge of maintaining membership records for the entire district, and serving as the volunteer coordinator.

Elementary Liaison | Hollie Spengler

Hollie will be serving her third year on the PTO Board. Previously, Hollie has served as VP of Special Programs, Room Parent, and assisted with Silent Auction. As the Elementary Liaison, Hollie will coordinate all hospitality and appreciation events on the Elementary campus. She will also help facilitate communication amongst Pre-K-4th grade staff.

Intermediate Liaison | Rebecca Bump

This will be Rebecca’s first year serving on the PTO Board. Previously, Rebecca has served as Room Parent and has helped with Pirate Fest. As the Intermediate Liaison, Rebecca will coordinate all hospitality and appreciation events on the Intermediate campus. She will also help facilitate communication amongst 5th-6th grade staff.

Middle School Liaison | Julia Butcher

This is Julia’s first year on the PTO Board. Previously, she has served as Room Parent and has helped with Silent Auction. Julia’s duties will include coordinating hospitality and staff appreciation events at the Middle School. She will also communicate with faculty and staff at the middle school about upcoming events and opportunities.

High School Liaison | Brittany Castaneda

This is Brittany’s second year serving on the PTO Board. Previously, she has been a Room Parent. Brittany will serve as the High School Liaison. She will organize appreciation events and assist in communicating with the high school faculty and staff. She will also encourage high school involvement in PTO activities.

Agendas • Budgets • Approved Minutes • Bylaws

London PTO Meetings | 2024 - 2025 School Year

Thursday, August 29, 2024: Agenda | Budget | Minutes

Friday, February 28, 2025: Agenda | Budget | Minutes

Tuesdsay, March 4, 2025: Agenda | Budget | Minutes

Tuesday, May 13, 2025: Agenda | Budget | Minutes

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”

— Booker T. Washington